
embedding art meaningfully within social contexts and built environments


Public Art Strategies: Kingfisher Creek Open Space Network & Coorparoo Creek Park

Artfully was engaged by Brisbane City Council to develop an Artwork Strategy for Kingfisher Creek Open Space Network, a priority project identified within the Norman Creek Master Plan. The Art Strategy sought to express the creek-line story or chain of waterholes which once existed in the Woolloongabba, now linking a series of parklands along a green corridor and cycle way. In addition to the Strategy report, an artist selection process and Artwork Briefs were delivered for a Stage 1 commission program.Artfully was then engaged to develop an Artwork Strategy for Coorparoo Creek Park, the main priority project within the Norman Creek Master Plan. This project involved the development and delivery of a major new parkland including daylighting a section of Coorparoo Creek which had been historically confined to underground drains. The Strategy involved scoping a temporal art program for Stage 1 and a permanent program for Stage 2 delivery.


Brisbane City Council
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